
SAISON Imagine, if you will, a time before the internet. Before electricity, even. It's a hot summer day in the French speaking Wallonia region of Belgium, and you've been toiling in the fields for hours, in long sleeves and pants (this was the era of long pants only, unless you were a rich guy and had knickers and stockings, but then you wouldn't be in a field...ever). Your supervisor comes over to you and hands you a bottle of straw colored, hazy, effervescent beer to share with your follow laborers. You find a shady spot, divvy up the beer and enjoy, wiping the sweat from your brow with a sigh of refreshment. There is no name for this beer, other than what the brewer attached to it. The style is undefined, but distinct. Wild fermentation in open containers provide a specific profile that is unlike any other beers on the market, especially in that region. It's light in body and color, and provides not only a moments reprieve from the blazing sun, but also enough cal...