Habanero Pale Ale

HABANERO PALE ALE Okay, listen. We all know what a Pale Ale is, that isn't the point of this beer. This beer was designed to incorporate just a little spice and a whole lot of flavor into an original concoction that we could pair with food or enjoy by itself. We had always wanted to do something with hot peppers, and our first try was a grand disaster. We dumped it after primary fermentation in a move that was both heartbreaking and educational. That initial effort was a Hefeweizen that we dropped a bunch of habanero peppers into. It turned into an astringent, undrinkable mess. So we went back to the drawing board and rebuilt the beer. We nixed the idea of a Hefeweizen being the base beer and went for something different. We looked at this beer as a chef would look at a dish. We wanted balance. Spicy and sweet, bite and body. We took an approach to the peppers that was very different than the first try as well. Instead of dumping a furnace of heat into the beer, we decided to unlo...