What's Wrong With My Beer?

What’s Wrong With My Beer? Sometimes bad things happen to good brews. Seemingly everything can go correctly on your brewday, but in the end, an element fouls up, or a mistake was made, and your beer has to go down the drain. The list below, organized into types of mistakes, identifies and solves some of the most common fouling of beers. Sometimes the fix is simple, like aging, or adding an element during secondary fermentation. Other times, it's more tragic and you have to pitch your entire batch due to infection. So if you have issues with your beer, use this as a resource to help you identify and fix the issue. Group 1 - Acetaldehyde (Green Apples): Not enough oxygenation when before pitching yeast, yeast needs more time to work. Solution: Agitate beer in fermenter, repitch yeast, let beer age longer. - Diacety l (Buttery, Movie Popcorn, Butterscotch): Potentially infected batch. Caused by temperature fluctuation, improper sanitation, lack of nutrients and oxygena...