Black IPA

BLACK IPA The Black IPA is highly unusual beer. For starters, the name itself is oxymoronical. The "P" in IPA stands for Pale, so having something that is simultaneously black and pale can be confusing. It is, in fact, the best of both worlds. This esoteric brew combines the hoppy dryness of typical IPAs and the roasty characteristics of dark ales and lagers. Its color is, of course, black, and thus the style of beer. The Black IPA is a very new style, created by a brewpub in Burlington, Vermont in the early 1990s. Since then it has seen a growth in popularity among the craft beer circuit through the 2000s and with homebrewers up until today. Its presence has waned in recent years as small brewers have pivoted to the hazy New England IPAs that have dominated the craft scene for the last five years or so. Even though the Black IPA is among the youngest styles of beer, its roots can be seen back in the 19th century. In a beer book published in 1888 called The Theory and Practi...